import fs from 'fs' const values = fs.readFileSync('input', 'utf8') function main() { let coordinates = values .split('\n') .map((x) => x.split(' -> ')) .map((y) => => z.split(','))) doDiagonalLinesCalculation(coordinates) doStraightLinesCalculation(coordinates) } async function doDiagonalLinesCalculation(c: string[][][]): Promise { let ventLocations = makeVentLocationList(c) let diagnoalLines = buildOceanFloor(diagnoalLines, true) } async function doStraightLinesCalculation(c: string[][][]): Promise { let ventLocations = makeVentLocationList(c) let straightVents = ventLocations.filter(filterVentLocForStraightLines) let straightLines = buildOceanFloor(straightLines) } function makeVentLocationList(coordinates: string[][][]): thermalVent[] { let vl: thermalVent[] = [] for (const coord of coordinates) { if (coord.length == 1) continue let startLoc = { x: parseInt(coord[0][0]), y: parseInt(coord[0][1]) } let endLoc = { x: parseInt(coord[1][0]), y: parseInt(coord[1][1]) } vl.push({ start: startLoc, end: endLoc, body: [startLoc, endLoc] }) } return vl } function filterVentLocForStraightLines(v: thermalVent): boolean { return v.start.x == v.end.x || v.start.y == v.end.y } function setKeyToMap(key: string, oceanFloor: Map): void { if (oceanFloor.has(key)) { let cellValue = oceanFloor.get(key) if (cellValue) { oceanFloor.set(key, (cellValue += 1)) } } else { oceanFloor.set(key, 1) } } function buildOceanFloor(straighLines: thermalVent[], diagonal?: boolean): void { let oceanFloor = new Map() for (const vent of straighLines) { if (vent.body) { for (const location of vent.body) { setKeyToMap(`${location.x},${location.y}`, oceanFloor) } } } if (diagonal) console.log(`Diagonal crossings: ${getCrossings(oceanFloor)}`) else console.log(`Straight crossings: ${getCrossings(oceanFloor)}`) } function getCrossings(oceanFloor: Map): number { let valid = 0 oceanFloor.forEach((v, k, m) => { if (v >= 2) valid++ }) return valid } function expandLines(t: thermalVent): thermalVent { // console.log(`Expanding: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`) if (t.start.x == t.end.x) { if (t.start.y < t.end.y) { for (let i = t.start.y + 1; i < t.end.y; i++) { const newSection = { x: t.start.x, y: i } t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding Y Forward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } else if (t.start.y > t.end.y) { for (let i = t.start.y - 1; i > t.end.y; i--) { const newSection = { x: t.start.x, y: i } t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding Y Backward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } } //forward if (t.start.y == t.end.y) { if (t.start.x < t.end.x) { for (let i = t.start.x + 1; i < t.end.x; i++) { const newSection = { x: i, y: t.start.y } t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding X Forward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } else if (t.start.x > t.end.x) { for (let i = t.start.x - 1; i > t.end.x; i--) { const newSection = { x: i, y: t.start.y } // console.log(JSON.stringify(newSection)) t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) // console.log(JSON.stringify(t.body)) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding X Backward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } } if (t.start.x != t.end.x && t.start.y != t.end.y) { if (t.start.x < t.end.x) { for (let i = t.start.x + 1; i < t.end.x; i++) { const newSection = { x: i, y: t.start.y } t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding X Forward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } else if (t.start.x > t.end.x) { for (let i = t.start.x - 1; i > t.end.x; i--) { const newSection = { x: i, y: t.start.y } t.body?.splice(t.body.length - 1, 0, newSection) } // console.log(`\tDone Expanding X Backward: ${JSON.stringify(t.body)}`) } if (t.start.y < t.end.y) { for (let i = 1; i < t.body?.length - 1; i++) { t.body[i].y = t.body[i - 1].y + 1 } } else if (t.start.y > t.end.y) { for (let i = 1; i < t.body?.length - 1; i++) { t.body[i].y = t.body[i - 1].y - 1 } } } return t } interface thermalVent { end: ventLocation start: ventLocation body: ventLocation[] } interface ventLocation { x: number y: number } main()