import { addDays, format, isAfter, toDate } from 'date-fns' import { Guild, GuildScheduledEvent, GuildScheduledEventEditOptions, GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg, GuildScheduledEventStatus, Message, MessageCreateOptions, TextChannel } from 'discord.js' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { client } from '../..' import { config } from '../configuration' import { Emotes } from '../events/guildScheduledEventCreate' import { Maybe } from '../interfaces' import { logger } from '../logger' import { Command } from '../structures/command' import { RunOptions } from '../types/commandTypes' export default new Command({ name: 'closepoll', description: 'Aktuelle Umfrage für nächste Watchparty beenden und Gewinner in Event eintragen.', options: [], run: async (interaction: RunOptions) => { const command = interaction.interaction const requestId = uuid() if (!command.guild) { logger.error("No guild found in interaction. Cancelling closing request", { requestId }) command.followUp("Es gab leider ein Problem. Ich konnte deine Anfrage nicht bearbeiten :(") return } const guildId = command.guildId"Got command for closing poll!", { guildId, requestId }) command.followUp("Alles klar, beende die Umfrage :)") closePoll(command.guild, requestId) } }) export async function closePoll(guild: Guild, requestId: string) { const guildId ="stopping poll", { guildId, requestId }) const announcementChannel: Maybe = client.getAnnouncementChannelForGuild(guildId) if(!announcementChannel) { logger.error("Could not find the textchannel. Unable to close poll.", { guildId, requestId }) return } const messages: Message[] = (await announcementChannel.messages.fetch()) //todo: fetch only pinned messages .map((value) => value) .filter(message => !message.cleanContent.includes("[Abstimmung beendet]") && message.cleanContent.includes("[Abstimmung]")) .sort((a, b) => b.createdTimestamp - a.createdTimestamp) if (!messages || messages.length <= 0) {"Could not find any vote messages. Cancelling pollClose", { guildId, requestId }) return } const lastMessage: Message = messages[0] logger.debug(`Found messages: ${JSON.stringify(messages, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId }) logger.debug(`Last message: ${JSON.stringify(lastMessage, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId }) const votes = await (await getVotesByEmote(lastMessage, guildId, requestId)) .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) logger.debug(`votes: ${JSON.stringify(votes, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId })"Deleting vote message") await lastMessage.delete() const event = await getEvent(guild,, requestId) if(event) { updateEvent(event, votes, guild, guildId, requestId) sendVoteClosedMessage(event, votes[0].movie, guildId, requestId) } //lastMessage.unpin() //todo: uncomment when bot has permission to pin/unpin } async function sendVoteClosedMessage(event: GuildScheduledEvent, movie: string, guildId: string, requestId: string) { const date = event.scheduledStartAt ? format(event.scheduledStartAt, "dd.MM") : "Fehler, event hatte kein Datum" const time = event.scheduledStartAt ? format(event.scheduledStartAt, "HH:mm") : "Fehler, event hatte kein Datum" const body = `[Abstimmung beendet] <@&${}> Wir gucken ${movie} am ${date} um ${time}` const options: MessageCreateOptions = { content: body, allowedMentions: { parse: ["roles"] } } const announcementChannel = client.getAnnouncementChannelForGuild(guildId)"Sending vote closed message.", { guildId, requestId }) if(!announcementChannel) { logger.error("Could not find announcement channel. Please fix!", { guildId, requestId }) return } announcementChannel.send(options) } async function updateEvent(voteEvent: GuildScheduledEvent, votes: Vote[], guild: Guild, guildId: string, requestId: string) {`Updating event with movie ${votes[0].movie}.`, { guildId, requestId }) const options: GuildScheduledEventEditOptions> = { name: votes[0].movie, description: `!wp\nNummer 2: ${votes[1].movie} mit ${votes[1].count - 1} Stimmen\nNummer 3: ${votes[2].movie} mit ${votes[2].count - 1} Stimmen` } logger.debug(`Updating event: ${JSON.stringify(voteEvent, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId })"Updating event.", { guildId, requestId }) voteEvent.edit(options) } async function getEvent(guild: Guild, guildId: string, requestId: string): Promise { const voteEvents = (await guild.scheduledEvents.fetch()) .map((value) => value) .filter(event =>"voting offen")) logger.debug(`Found events: ${JSON.stringify(voteEvents, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId }) if (!voteEvents || voteEvents.length <= 0) { logger.error("Could not find vote event. Cancelling update!", { guildId, requestId }) return null } return voteEvents[0] } type Vote = { emote: string, //todo habs nicht hinbekommen hier Emotes zu nutzen count: number, movie: string } async function getVotesByEmote(message: Message, guildId: string, requestId: string): Promise { const votes: Vote[] = [] logger.debug(`Number of items in emotes: ${Object.values(Emotes).length}`, { guildId, requestId }) for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(Emotes).length / 2; i++) { const emote = Emotes[i] logger.debug(`Getting reaction for emote ${emote}`, { guildId, requestId }) const reaction = await message.reactions.resolve(emote) logger.debug(`Reaction for emote ${emote}: ${JSON.stringify(reaction, null, 2)}`, { guildId, requestId }) if (reaction) { const vote: Vote = { emote: emote, count: reaction.count, movie: extractMovieFromMessageByEmote(message, emote) } votes.push(vote) } } return votes } function extractMovieFromMessageByEmote(message: Message, emote: string): string { const lines = message.cleanContent.split("\n") const emoteLines = lines.filter(line => line.includes(emote)) if (!emoteLines) { return "" } const movie = emoteLines[0].substring(emoteLines[0].indexOf(emote) + emote.length + 2) // plus colon and space return movie } export async function checkForPollsToClose(guild: Guild): Promise { const requestId = uuid()`Automatic check for poll closing.`, { guildId:, requestId }) const events = (await guild.scheduledEvents.fetch()).filter(event =>"voting offen")).map(event => event) if(events.length > 1) { logger.error("Handling more than one Event is not implemented yet. Found more than one poll to close") return } else if(events.length == 0) {"Could not find any events. Cancelling", { guildId:, requestId }) } const updatedEvent = events[0] //add two hours because of different timezones in discord api and if (!updatedEvent.scheduledStartTimestamp) { logger.error("Event does not have a scheduled start time. Cancelling", { guildId:, requestId }) return } const eventDate: Date = toDate(updatedEvent.scheduledStartTimestamp) const closePollDate: Date = addDays(eventDate, -2) if (isAfter(, closePollDate)) {"Less than two days until event. Closing poll", { guildId:, requestId }) closePoll(guild, requestId) } else {`ScheduledStart: ${closePollDate}. Now: ${toDate(}`, { guildId:, requestId }) } }