/** * Jellyfin API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 10.8.9 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import localVarRequest from 'request'; import http from 'http'; /* tslint:disable:no-unused-locals */ import { AddMediaPathRequest } from '../model/addMediaPathRequest'; import { AddVirtualFolderRequest } from '../model/addVirtualFolderRequest'; import { CollectionTypeOptions } from '../model/collectionTypeOptions'; import { ProblemDetails } from '../model/problemDetails'; import { UpdateLibraryOptionsRequest } from '../model/updateLibraryOptionsRequest'; import { UpdateMediaPathRequest } from '../model/updateMediaPathRequest'; import { VirtualFolderInfo } from '../model/virtualFolderInfo'; import { ObjectSerializer, Authentication, VoidAuth, Interceptor } from '../model/models'; import { HttpBasicAuth, HttpBearerAuth, ApiKeyAuth, OAuth } from '../model/models'; import { HttpError, RequestFile } from './apis'; let defaultBasePath = 'http://localhost'; // =============================================== // This file is autogenerated - Please do not edit // =============================================== export enum LibraryStructureApiApiKeys { CustomAuthentication, } export class LibraryStructureApi { protected _basePath = defaultBasePath; protected _defaultHeaders : any = {}; protected _useQuerystring : boolean = false; protected authentications = { 'default': new VoidAuth(), 'CustomAuthentication': new ApiKeyAuth('header', 'Authorization'), } protected interceptors: Interceptor[] = []; constructor(basePath?: string); constructor(basePathOrUsername: string, password?: string, basePath?: string) { if (password) { if (basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; } } else { if (basePathOrUsername) { this.basePath = basePathOrUsername } } } set useQuerystring(value: boolean) { this._useQuerystring = value; } set basePath(basePath: string) { this._basePath = basePath; } set defaultHeaders(defaultHeaders: any) { this._defaultHeaders = defaultHeaders; } get defaultHeaders() { return this._defaultHeaders; } get basePath() { return this._basePath; } public setDefaultAuthentication(auth: Authentication) { this.authentications.default = auth; } public setApiKey(key: LibraryStructureApiApiKeys, value: string) { (this.authentications as any)[LibraryStructureApiApiKeys[key]].apiKey = value; } public addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor) { this.interceptors.push(interceptor); } /** * * @summary Add a media path to a library. * @param addMediaPathRequest The media path dto. * @param refreshLibrary Whether to refresh the library. */ public async addMediaPath (addMediaPathRequest: AddMediaPathRequest, refreshLibrary?: boolean, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders/Paths'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'addMediaPathRequest' is not null or undefined if (addMediaPathRequest === null || addMediaPathRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter addMediaPathRequest was null or undefined when calling addMediaPath.'); } if (refreshLibrary !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['refreshLibrary'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(refreshLibrary, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(addMediaPathRequest, "AddMediaPathRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Adds a virtual folder. * @param name The name of the virtual folder. * @param collectionType The type of the collection. * @param paths The paths of the virtual folder. * @param refreshLibrary Whether to refresh the library. * @param addVirtualFolderRequest The library options. */ public async addVirtualFolder (name?: string, collectionType?: CollectionTypeOptions, paths?: Array, refreshLibrary?: boolean, addVirtualFolderRequest?: AddVirtualFolderRequest, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (name !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['name'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(name, "string"); } if (collectionType !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['collectionType'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(collectionType, "CollectionTypeOptions"); } if (paths !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['paths'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(paths, "Array"); } if (refreshLibrary !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['refreshLibrary'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(refreshLibrary, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(addVirtualFolderRequest, "AddVirtualFolderRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Gets all virtual folders. */ public async getVirtualFolders (options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json', 'application/json; profile=CamelCase', 'application/json; profile=PascalCase']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "Array"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Remove a media path. * @param name The name of the library. * @param path The path to remove. * @param refreshLibrary Whether to refresh the library. */ public async removeMediaPath (name?: string, path?: string, refreshLibrary?: boolean, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders/Paths'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (name !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['name'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(name, "string"); } if (path !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['path'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(path, "string"); } if (refreshLibrary !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['refreshLibrary'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(refreshLibrary, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'DELETE', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Removes a virtual folder. * @param name The name of the folder. * @param refreshLibrary Whether to refresh the library. */ public async removeVirtualFolder (name?: string, refreshLibrary?: boolean, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (name !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['name'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(name, "string"); } if (refreshLibrary !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['refreshLibrary'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(refreshLibrary, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'DELETE', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Renames a virtual folder. * @param name The name of the virtual folder. * @param newName The new name. * @param refreshLibrary Whether to refresh the library. */ public async renameVirtualFolder (name?: string, newName?: string, refreshLibrary?: boolean, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders/Name'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json', 'application/json; profile=CamelCase', 'application/json; profile=PascalCase']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (name !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['name'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(name, "string"); } if (newName !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['newName'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(newName, "string"); } if (refreshLibrary !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['refreshLibrary'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(refreshLibrary, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Update library options. * @param updateLibraryOptionsRequest The library name and options. */ public async updateLibraryOptions (updateLibraryOptionsRequest?: UpdateLibraryOptionsRequest, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders/LibraryOptions'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(updateLibraryOptionsRequest, "UpdateLibraryOptionsRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Updates a media path. * @param updateMediaPathRequest The name of the library and path infos. */ public async updateMediaPath (updateMediaPathRequest: UpdateMediaPathRequest, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Library/VirtualFolders/Paths/Update'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'updateMediaPathRequest' is not null or undefined if (updateMediaPathRequest === null || updateMediaPathRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter updateMediaPathRequest was null or undefined when calling updateMediaPath.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(updateMediaPathRequest, "UpdateMediaPathRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } }