/** * Jellyfin API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 10.8.9 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import localVarRequest from 'request'; import http from 'http'; /* tslint:disable:no-unused-locals */ import { BaseItemKind } from '../model/baseItemKind'; import { GeneralCommandType } from '../model/generalCommandType'; import { NameIdPair } from '../model/nameIdPair'; import { PlayCommand } from '../model/playCommand'; import { PlaystateCommand } from '../model/playstateCommand'; import { PostFullCapabilitiesRequest } from '../model/postFullCapabilitiesRequest'; import { SendFullGeneralCommandRequest } from '../model/sendFullGeneralCommandRequest'; import { SendMessageCommandRequest } from '../model/sendMessageCommandRequest'; import { SessionInfo } from '../model/sessionInfo'; import { ObjectSerializer, Authentication, VoidAuth, Interceptor } from '../model/models'; import { HttpBasicAuth, HttpBearerAuth, ApiKeyAuth, OAuth } from '../model/models'; import { HttpError, RequestFile } from './apis'; let defaultBasePath = 'http://localhost'; // =============================================== // This file is autogenerated - Please do not edit // =============================================== export enum SessionApiApiKeys { CustomAuthentication, } export class SessionApi { protected _basePath = defaultBasePath; protected _defaultHeaders : any = {}; protected _useQuerystring : boolean = false; protected authentications = { 'default': new VoidAuth(), 'CustomAuthentication': new ApiKeyAuth('header', 'Authorization'), } protected interceptors: Interceptor[] = []; constructor(basePath?: string); constructor(basePathOrUsername: string, password?: string, basePath?: string) { if (password) { if (basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; } } else { if (basePathOrUsername) { this.basePath = basePathOrUsername } } } set useQuerystring(value: boolean) { this._useQuerystring = value; } set basePath(basePath: string) { this._basePath = basePath; } set defaultHeaders(defaultHeaders: any) { this._defaultHeaders = defaultHeaders; } get defaultHeaders() { return this._defaultHeaders; } get basePath() { return this._basePath; } public setDefaultAuthentication(auth: Authentication) { this.authentications.default = auth; } public setApiKey(key: SessionApiApiKeys, value: string) { (this.authentications as any)[SessionApiApiKeys[key]].apiKey = value; } public addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor) { this.interceptors.push(interceptor); } /** * * @summary Adds an additional user to a session. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param userId The user id. */ public async addUserToSession (sessionId: string, userId: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/User/{userId}' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))) .replace('{' + 'userId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(userId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling addUserToSession.'); } // verify required parameter 'userId' is not null or undefined if (userId === null || userId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter userId was null or undefined when calling addUserToSession.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Instructs a session to browse to an item or view. * @param sessionId The session Id. * @param itemType The type of item to browse to. * @param itemId The Id of the item. * @param itemName The name of the item. */ public async displayContent (sessionId: string, itemType: BaseItemKind, itemId: string, itemName: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Viewing' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling displayContent.'); } // verify required parameter 'itemType' is not null or undefined if (itemType === null || itemType === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter itemType was null or undefined when calling displayContent.'); } // verify required parameter 'itemId' is not null or undefined if (itemId === null || itemId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter itemId was null or undefined when calling displayContent.'); } // verify required parameter 'itemName' is not null or undefined if (itemName === null || itemName === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter itemName was null or undefined when calling displayContent.'); } if (itemType !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['itemType'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(itemType, "BaseItemKind"); } if (itemId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['itemId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(itemId, "string"); } if (itemName !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['itemName'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(itemName, "string"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Get all auth providers. */ public async getAuthProviders (options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Auth/Providers'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json', 'application/json; profile=CamelCase', 'application/json; profile=PascalCase']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "Array"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Get all password reset providers. */ public async getPasswordResetProviders (options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Auth/PasswordResetProviders'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json', 'application/json; profile=CamelCase', 'application/json; profile=PascalCase']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "Array"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Gets a list of sessions. * @param controllableByUserId Filter by sessions that a given user is allowed to remote control. * @param deviceId Filter by device Id. * @param activeWithinSeconds Optional. Filter by sessions that were active in the last n seconds. */ public async getSessions (controllableByUserId?: string, deviceId?: string, activeWithinSeconds?: number, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json', 'application/json; profile=CamelCase', 'application/json; profile=PascalCase']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (controllableByUserId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['controllableByUserId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(controllableByUserId, "string"); } if (deviceId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['deviceId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(deviceId, "string"); } if (activeWithinSeconds !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['activeWithinSeconds'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(activeWithinSeconds, "number"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "Array"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Instructs a session to play an item. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param playCommand The type of play command to issue (PlayNow, PlayNext, PlayLast). Clients who have not yet implemented play next and play last may play now. * @param itemIds The ids of the items to play, comma delimited. * @param startPositionTicks The starting position of the first item. * @param mediaSourceId Optional. The media source id. * @param audioStreamIndex Optional. The index of the audio stream to play. * @param subtitleStreamIndex Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to play. * @param startIndex Optional. The start index. */ public async play (sessionId: string, playCommand: PlayCommand, itemIds: Array, startPositionTicks?: number, mediaSourceId?: string, audioStreamIndex?: number, subtitleStreamIndex?: number, startIndex?: number, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Playing' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling play.'); } // verify required parameter 'playCommand' is not null or undefined if (playCommand === null || playCommand === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter playCommand was null or undefined when calling play.'); } // verify required parameter 'itemIds' is not null or undefined if (itemIds === null || itemIds === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter itemIds was null or undefined when calling play.'); } if (playCommand !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['playCommand'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(playCommand, "PlayCommand"); } if (itemIds !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['itemIds'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(itemIds, "Array"); } if (startPositionTicks !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['startPositionTicks'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(startPositionTicks, "number"); } if (mediaSourceId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['mediaSourceId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(mediaSourceId, "string"); } if (audioStreamIndex !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['audioStreamIndex'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(audioStreamIndex, "number"); } if (subtitleStreamIndex !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['subtitleStreamIndex'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(subtitleStreamIndex, "number"); } if (startIndex !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['startIndex'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(startIndex, "number"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Updates capabilities for a device. * @param id The session id. * @param playableMediaTypes A list of playable media types, comma delimited. Audio, Video, Book, Photo. * @param supportedCommands A list of supported remote control commands, comma delimited. * @param supportsMediaControl Determines whether media can be played remotely.. * @param supportsSync Determines whether sync is supported. * @param supportsPersistentIdentifier Determines whether the device supports a unique identifier. */ public async postCapabilities (id?: string, playableMediaTypes?: Array, supportedCommands?: Array, supportsMediaControl?: boolean, supportsSync?: boolean, supportsPersistentIdentifier?: boolean, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/Capabilities'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; if (id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['id'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(id, "string"); } if (playableMediaTypes !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['playableMediaTypes'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(playableMediaTypes, "Array"); } if (supportedCommands !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['supportedCommands'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(supportedCommands, "Array"); } if (supportsMediaControl !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['supportsMediaControl'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(supportsMediaControl, "boolean"); } if (supportsSync !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['supportsSync'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(supportsSync, "boolean"); } if (supportsPersistentIdentifier !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['supportsPersistentIdentifier'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(supportsPersistentIdentifier, "boolean"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Updates capabilities for a device. * @param postFullCapabilitiesRequest The MediaBrowser.Model.Session.ClientCapabilities. * @param id The session id. */ public async postFullCapabilities (postFullCapabilitiesRequest: PostFullCapabilitiesRequest, id?: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/Capabilities/Full'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'postFullCapabilitiesRequest' is not null or undefined if (postFullCapabilitiesRequest === null || postFullCapabilitiesRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter postFullCapabilitiesRequest was null or undefined when calling postFullCapabilities.'); } if (id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['id'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(id, "string"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(postFullCapabilitiesRequest, "PostFullCapabilitiesRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Removes an additional user from a session. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param userId The user id. */ public async removeUserFromSession (sessionId: string, userId: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/User/{userId}' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))) .replace('{' + 'userId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(userId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling removeUserFromSession.'); } // verify required parameter 'userId' is not null or undefined if (userId === null || userId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter userId was null or undefined when calling removeUserFromSession.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'DELETE', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Reports that a session has ended. */ public async reportSessionEnded (options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/Logout'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Reports that a session is viewing an item. * @param itemId The item id. * @param sessionId The session id. */ public async reportViewing (itemId: string, sessionId?: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/Viewing'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'itemId' is not null or undefined if (itemId === null || itemId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter itemId was null or undefined when calling reportViewing.'); } if (sessionId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['sessionId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(sessionId, "string"); } if (itemId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['itemId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(itemId, "string"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Issues a full general command to a client. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param sendFullGeneralCommandRequest The MediaBrowser.Model.Session.GeneralCommand. */ public async sendFullGeneralCommand (sessionId: string, sendFullGeneralCommandRequest: SendFullGeneralCommandRequest, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Command' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling sendFullGeneralCommand.'); } // verify required parameter 'sendFullGeneralCommandRequest' is not null or undefined if (sendFullGeneralCommandRequest === null || sendFullGeneralCommandRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sendFullGeneralCommandRequest was null or undefined when calling sendFullGeneralCommand.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(sendFullGeneralCommandRequest, "SendFullGeneralCommandRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Issues a general command to a client. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param command The command to send. */ public async sendGeneralCommand (sessionId: string, command: GeneralCommandType, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Command/{command}' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))) .replace('{' + 'command' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(command))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling sendGeneralCommand.'); } // verify required parameter 'command' is not null or undefined if (command === null || command === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter command was null or undefined when calling sendGeneralCommand.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Issues a command to a client to display a message to the user. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param sendMessageCommandRequest The MediaBrowser.Model.Session.MessageCommand object containing Header, Message Text, and TimeoutMs. */ public async sendMessageCommand (sessionId: string, sendMessageCommandRequest: SendMessageCommandRequest, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Message' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling sendMessageCommand.'); } // verify required parameter 'sendMessageCommandRequest' is not null or undefined if (sendMessageCommandRequest === null || sendMessageCommandRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sendMessageCommandRequest was null or undefined when calling sendMessageCommand.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(sendMessageCommandRequest, "SendMessageCommandRequest") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Issues a playstate command to a client. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param command The MediaBrowser.Model.Session.PlaystateCommand. * @param seekPositionTicks The optional position ticks. * @param controllingUserId The optional controlling user id. */ public async sendPlaystateCommand (sessionId: string, command: PlaystateCommand, seekPositionTicks?: number, controllingUserId?: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/Playing/{command}' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))) .replace('{' + 'command' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(command))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling sendPlaystateCommand.'); } // verify required parameter 'command' is not null or undefined if (command === null || command === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter command was null or undefined when calling sendPlaystateCommand.'); } if (seekPositionTicks !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['seekPositionTicks'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(seekPositionTicks, "number"); } if (controllingUserId !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['controllingUserId'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(controllingUserId, "string"); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Issues a system command to a client. * @param sessionId The session id. * @param command The command to send. */ public async sendSystemCommand (sessionId: string, command: GeneralCommandType, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/Sessions/{sessionId}/System/{command}' .replace('{' + 'sessionId' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(sessionId))) .replace('{' + 'command' + '}', encodeURIComponent(String(command))); let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'sessionId' is not null or undefined if (sessionId === null || sessionId === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter sessionId was null or undefined when calling sendSystemCommand.'); } // verify required parameter 'command' is not null or undefined if (command === null || command === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter command was null or undefined when calling sendSystemCommand.'); } (Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.apiKey) { authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.CustomAuthentication.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); } authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } }