/** * Jellyfin API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 10.8.9 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import { RequestFile } from './models'; /** * Used to control the data that gets attached to DtoBaseItems. */ export enum ItemFields { AirTime = 'AirTime', CanDelete = 'CanDelete', CanDownload = 'CanDownload', ChannelInfo = 'ChannelInfo', Chapters = 'Chapters', ChildCount = 'ChildCount', CumulativeRunTimeTicks = 'CumulativeRunTimeTicks', CustomRating = 'CustomRating', DateCreated = 'DateCreated', DateLastMediaAdded = 'DateLastMediaAdded', DisplayPreferencesId = 'DisplayPreferencesId', Etag = 'Etag', ExternalUrls = 'ExternalUrls', Genres = 'Genres', HomePageUrl = 'HomePageUrl', ItemCounts = 'ItemCounts', MediaSourceCount = 'MediaSourceCount', MediaSources = 'MediaSources', OriginalTitle = 'OriginalTitle', Overview = 'Overview', ParentId = 'ParentId', Path = 'Path', People = 'People', PlayAccess = 'PlayAccess', ProductionLocations = 'ProductionLocations', ProviderIds = 'ProviderIds', PrimaryImageAspectRatio = 'PrimaryImageAspectRatio', RecursiveItemCount = 'RecursiveItemCount', Settings = 'Settings', ScreenshotImageTags = 'ScreenshotImageTags', SeriesPrimaryImage = 'SeriesPrimaryImage', SeriesStudio = 'SeriesStudio', SortName = 'SortName', SpecialEpisodeNumbers = 'SpecialEpisodeNumbers', Studios = 'Studios', BasicSyncInfo = 'BasicSyncInfo', SyncInfo = 'SyncInfo', Taglines = 'Taglines', Tags = 'Tags', RemoteTrailers = 'RemoteTrailers', MediaStreams = 'MediaStreams', SeasonUserData = 'SeasonUserData', ServiceName = 'ServiceName', ThemeSongIds = 'ThemeSongIds', ThemeVideoIds = 'ThemeVideoIds', ExternalEtag = 'ExternalEtag', PresentationUniqueKey = 'PresentationUniqueKey', InheritedParentalRatingValue = 'InheritedParentalRatingValue', ExternalSeriesId = 'ExternalSeriesId', SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = 'SeriesPresentationUniqueKey', DateLastRefreshed = 'DateLastRefreshed', DateLastSaved = 'DateLastSaved', RefreshState = 'RefreshState', ChannelImage = 'ChannelImage', EnableMediaSourceDisplay = 'EnableMediaSourceDisplay', Width = 'Width', Height = 'Height', ExtraIds = 'ExtraIds', LocalTrailerCount = 'LocalTrailerCount', IsHd = 'IsHD', SpecialFeatureCount = 'SpecialFeatureCount' }