import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest' import { commands } from './constants' import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/v9' import { config } from './configuration' import { Client, Collection, CommandInteraction, GuildMember, GuildScheduledEvent, GuildScheduledEventManager, Intents, Snowflake } from 'discord.js' import RegistrationHandler from './RegistrationHandler' import { discordCommand } from './interfaces' import eventHandler from './eventHandler' export default class DiscordAdapter { private rest: REST private client: Client private registration: RegistrationHandler public constructor() { = new REST({ version: '9' }).setToken(config.token) this.client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] }) this.registration = RegistrationHandler.Instance this.setupCallbacks(this.client) this.client.login(config.token) this.registerCommands(this.commandList) } public async registerCommands(pCommands: discordCommand[]) { try { console.log('Refreshing slash commands') await, config.guild_id), { body: pCommands }) console.log('Successfully refreshed slash commands') } catch (error) { console.log(`Error refreshing slash commands: ${error}`) } } private setupCallbacks(c: Client) { c.on('ready', () => { console.log(`Logged in as ${c.user?.tag}`) }) c.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => { if (!interaction.isCommand()) return const interactionCommand = this.commandList.find(x => == interaction.commandName) if (interactionCommand) interactionCommand.performCommand(interaction, this.registration) }) } public async echoes(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const value = interaction.options.getString('input') const member: GuildMember = interaction.member try { console.log(`Member ${member.user.username} mute state: ${member.voice.mute}`) member.voice.setMute(!member.voice.mute, "test") } catch (error) { console.error(error) } await interaction.reply(`This should be an echo: ${value}`) } public async listUsers(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const result = registration.listRegisteredMembers() await interaction.reply(result) } public async removeUser(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const discordUser: GuildMember = interaction.member registration.removeUser(discordUser) await interaction.reply(`User has been removed`) return } public async registerUser(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const discordUser: GuildMember = interaction.member const steamNameToRegister = interaction.options.getString('steamname') console.dir(discordUser) if (!steamNameToRegister) { await interaction.reply(`No steam name supplied, can't register`) } else { registration.register(discordUser, steamNameToRegister) await interaction.reply(`This should register user ${discordUser.user.username} with id ${} to use steamname: ${steamNameToRegister}`) } return } public async showForSteam(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const steamName = interaction.options.getString('steamname') if (!steamName) { await interaction.reply(`No steam name supplied, can't search`) } else { const result = registration.getNameRegisteredForSteamUser(steamName) await interaction.reply(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)) } return } public async showNext(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const discordUser: GuildMember = interaction.member const result = registration.getNameRegisteredForDiscordUser(discordUser) await interaction.reply(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)) return } public async listEvents(interaction: CommandInteraction, registration: RegistrationHandler): Promise { const guild = interaction.guild if (!guild) { console.log(`There is no guild here`) return } const output = new eventHandler().listAllEvents(guild) await interaction.reply(output) } public commandList: discordCommand[] = [ { name: "echo", description: "Echoes a string", performCommand: this.echoes, options: [ { name: 'input', description: 'The input that should be echoed', required: true, type: 3 } ] }, { name: "shownext", description: "Shows next Events", performCommand: this.showNext }, { name: "listevents", description: "Lists all Events", performCommand: this.listEvents } ] }