# GMOD TTT GMOD TTT server image, https://hub.docker.com/r/jusito/ ## Important If you use the old image, you should check the environment variables. For example arguments after image name aren't used, use instead `-e SERVER_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS=...`. This readme may not be perfect, if you struggle at some point or you see incorrect informations create an issue at git please. ## Getting Started ### Prepare your server content 1. Create public workshop collection without maps, dummy ID:=123456. Use `-e WORKSHOP_COLLECTION_ID 123456`. 2. Create public workshop collection with maps and add this one to "123456". 3. Do you want every user to load the content automatically? Yes you are done, no `-e WORKSHOP_AUTOLOAD=false`. Remember that "false" mean, that every user has to manually subscribe to your collection. If you don't separate maps / others, every connecting user would load all maps on first connecting. This would be a pain for some. 4. Do your content needs CSS, HL2, HLDM, TF2? Use `-e INSTALL_CSS=true` and/or `-e INSTALL_HL2=true` and so on. Most content will need at least CSS. ### Server config 1. Pick your ports `-e SERVER_PORT=27015 -p 27015:27015/udp` both are always needed. For RCON `[...] -e SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD="verySecure" -p 27015:27015/tcp`. 2. Set environment variables like servername `-e SERVER_NAME="My Server"`, password `-e SERVER_PASSWORD="securepw"` and timezone for cron `-e TZ="Europe/Berlin"`, default short downtime at Sunday 10 o'clock. 3. Choose startmap (can be from workshop collection, even linked) `-e SERVER_DEFAULT_MAP=ttt_rooftops_2016_v1` and max players `-e SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS=20` 4. Get a volume name `-v TTTDev:/home/steam/serverfiles` ### run example without rcon If you need rcon only sometimes, use ulx with this config. ``` docker run -d \ -p 27015:27015/udp \ -e SERVER_PORT=27015 \ -e INSTALL_CSS=true \ -e WORKSHOP_COLLECTION_ID=123456 \ -e SERVER_NAME="My Server" \ -e SERVER_PASSWORD="securepw" \ -e SERVER_DEFAULT_MAP="ttt_lttp_kakariko_a4" \ -v TTTDev:/home/steam/serverfiles \ --name "MyTTTServer" \ jusito/docker-ttt:gmod_ttt_debian ``` ### run example with rcon ``` docker run -d \ -p 27015:27015/udp \ -e SERVER_PORT=27015 \ -e INSTALL_CSS=true \ -e WORKSHOP_COLLECTION_ID=123456 \ -e SERVER_NAME="My Server" \ -e SERVER_PASSWORD="securepw" \ -e SERVER_DEFAULT_MAP="ttt_lttp_kakariko_a4" \ -v TTTDev:/home/steam/serverfiles \ -p 27015:27015/tcp \ -e SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD="securePW" \ --name "MyTTTServer" \ jusito/docker-ttt:gmod_ttt_debian ``` ## Tags * lgsm\_debian - Linux Game Server Manager in Debian * gmod\_debian - Garrys Mod with Debian and LGSM * gmod\_ttt\_debian - Gamemode TTT with LGSM/Debian ## Environment Variables Because you will most likely use many environmental variables, I recommend a env list. Instead of `-e VARNAME="VALUE 1"` write one additional text file: TTT.env: ``` VARNAME=Value 1 SERVER_NAME=My Hood SERVER_PASSWORD=Secure_PW ``` ### LGSM Properties #### Free to change |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |CRON\_MONITOR|"\*/5 \* \* \* \*"|Every 5 minutes LGSM checks if the server is running and responding, rebooting if needed.| |CRON\_UPDATE|"\*/30 \* \* \* \*"|Every 30 minutes LGSM checks if game server needs an update which will be executed.| |CRON\_FORCE\_UPDATE|"0 10 \* \* 0"|At Sunday 10:00 force update and restart| |CRON\_LOG_ROTATE|"0 9 \* \* 0"|Rotate log at Stunday 9:00| |TZ|Europe/Berlin|[Set timezone for CRON / log](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)| #### Used for subimage |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |SERVER_EXECUTABLE|""|Name of the lgsm script after installation| |SERVER_GAME|""|LGSM name of installation| #### LGSM Internal
LGSM Internal Properties (click me)

|Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |STEAM_PATH|/home/steam|primary workdir, homedir of user| |SERVER_PATH|/home/steam/serverfiles|Path to serverfiles after installation| |STEAM_CMD|/home/steam/steamcmd|Path to steamcmd files| |GROUP_ID|10000|Group ID of the user| |USER_ID|10000|User ID of the user| |DOCKER_USER|steam|Name of the user| |SUPERCRONIC_URL|https://github.com/aptible/supercronic/releases/download/v0.1.9/supercronic-linux-amd64|CRON version| |SUPERCRONIC|supercronic-linux-amd64|CRON name after download| |SUPERCRONIC_SHA1SUM|5ddf8ea26b56d4a7ff6faecdd8966610d5cb9d85|CRC for CRON download| |DEBIAN_FRONTEND|noninteractive|Don't ask questions during installation| |LANG|C.UTF-8|Language set| |TERM|xterm|| |DEBUGGING|false||

### GMOD Properties #### GMOD Content |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |INSTALL\_CSS|false|Should I install and mount CSS?| |INSTALL\_HL2|false|Should I install and mount HL2?| |INSTALL\_HLDM|false|Should I install and mount HLDM?| |INSTALL\_TF2|false|Should I install and mount TF2?| |WORKSHOP\_COLLECTION_ID|""|Workshop Collection ID for the server. If you use AUTOLOAD you should add maps on a linked collection| |WORKSHOP\_API_KEY|""|Maybe needed for private content.| |WORKSHOP\_AUTOLOAD|true|Every item which is on the given collection, will be downloaded by every client. Elements on linked collections not - so use maps in a linked collection.| #### GMOD Server |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |SERVER\_NAME|LinuxGSM|| |SERVER\_PASSWORD|""|| |SERVER\_RCON\_PASSWORD|""|| |SERVER\_VOICE\_ENABLE|1|| |SERVER\_IP||| |SERVER\_PORT|27015|| |SERVER\_CLIENTPORT|27005|| |SERVER\_SOURCETVPORT|27020|| |SERVER\_DEFAULT\_MAP|gm\_construct|| |SERVER\_MAX\_PLAYERS|16|| |SERVER\_TICKRATE|66|| |SERVER\_GAMEMODE|sandbox|| |SERVER\_LOGIN\_TOKEN|""|| |SERVER\_ADDITIONAL\_PARAMETERS|-disableluarefresh|| #### GMOD LGSM specific These variables are untested, but if they dont work report it please too. [Documentation](https://docs.linuxgsm.com/alerts) |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |LGSM\_DISPLAYIP|""|| |LGSM\_POSTALERT|off|| |LGSM\_POSTDAYS|7|| |LGSM\_POSTTARGET|https://hastebin.com|| |LGSM\_DISCORDALERT|off|| |LGSM\_DISCORDWEBHOOK|webhook|| |LGSM\_EMAILALERT|off|| |LGSM\_EMAIL|email@example.com|| |LGSM\_EMAILFROM|""|| |LGSM\_IFTTTALERT|off|| |LGSM\_IFTTTTOKEN|accesstoken|| |LGSM\_IFTTTEVENT|linuxgsm\_alert|| |LGSM\_MAILGUNALERT|off|| |LGSM\_MAILGUNTOKEN|accesstoken|| |LGSM\_MAILGUNDOMAIN|example.com|| |LGSM\_MAILGUNEMAILFROM|alert@example.com|| |LGSM\_MAILGUNEMAIL|email@myemail.com|| |LGSM\_PUSHBULLETALERT|off|| |LGSM\_PUSHBULLETTOKEN|accesstoken|| |LGSM\_CHANNELTAG|""|| |LGSM\_PUSHOVERALERT|off|| |LGSM\_PUSHOVERTOKEN|accesstoken|| |LGSM\_TELEGRAMALERT|off|| |LGSM\_TELEGRAMTOKEN|accesstoken|| |LGSM\_TELEGRAMCHATID|""|| |LGSM\_CURLCUSTOMSTRING|""|| |LGSM\_UPDATEONSTART|off|| |LGSM\_MAXBACKUPS|4|| |LGSM\_MAXBACKUPDAYS|30|| |LGSM\_STOPONBACKUP|on|| |LGSM\_CONSOLELOGGING|on|| |LGSM\_LOGDAYS|7|| |LGSM\_QUERYDELAY|5|| |LGSM\_BRANCH|""|| |LGSM\_STEAMMASTER|true"|| #### GMOD Internal
GMOD Internal Properties (click me)

|Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |CSS_PATH|/home/steam/addons/css|| |HL2_PATH|/home/steam/addons/hl2|| |HLDM_PATH|/home/steam/addons/hldm|| |TF2_PATH|/home/steam/addons/tf2|| |SERVER_EXECUTABLE|gmodserver|| |SERVER_GAME|gmodserver||

### TTT Properties #### TTT Internal Properties |Name|Default|Description| |----|-------|-----------| |SERVER_GAMEMODE|"terrortown"|| ## LGSM Usage The container provides links to [LGSM commands](https://docs.linuxgsm.com/commands): * docker exec -it CONTAINER details // print various informations like passwords, name, players, status aso. * docker exec -it CONTAINER backup * docker exec -it CONTAINER console // let you view the current console, docker logs will not work * docker exec -it CONTAINER debug * docker exec -it CONTAINER force-update * docker exec -it CONTAINER install * docker exec -it CONTAINER monitor * docker exec -it CONTAINER postdetails * docker exec -it CONTAINER restart * docker exec -it CONTAINER start * docker exec -it CONTAINER stop * docker exec -it CONTAINER test-alert * docker exec -it CONTAINER update * docker exec -it CONTAINER update-lgsm * docker exec -it CONTAINER validate ## File Locations ### Volumes /home/steam/serverfiles ### Other server.cfg: /home/steam/serverfiles/garrysmod/cfg/gmodserver.cfg \ hostname, password, rcon password, voice enabled are managed / will be overwritten ## server config http://ttt.badking.net/config-and-commands/convars https://wiki.garrysmod.de/server.cfg Path in container is: docker cp "your server.cfg path" CONTAINER:/home/steam/serverfiles/garrysmod/cfg/gmodserver.cfg ## Additional - Debian Buster, one dependency is missing: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=lib32tinfo5 - Alpine, steamcmd doesn't like musl ### TODO #### image improvements * volume for steam workshop * volume for other games * volume for gmod config (data folder) * AppArmor Profile #### image config, description needed * scrds doesn't like different internal / external ports (thats why no ports are exposed) * health check -> details ### For local usage navigate to directory with readme.md bash test/testBuild.sh (sh doesn't like pipefail, escape if you want to use sh) ## FTP Server * If your Volume is TTTDev * If you didn't change UserID / GroupID * If you want to connect to ftp://...:123 (ports 122/123 are free on your network) ### For FileZilla ``` docker run -d \ -e MY_NAME="docker" -e MY_PASSWORD="MySecurePW" \ -e MY_USER_ID="10000" -e MY_GROUP_ID="10000" \ -p 122:20 -p 123:21 -p 10090-10100:10090-10100 \ -v TTTDev:/home/docker/ \ jusito/vsftpd-alpine:simple ``` ### For Windows Network Mount * IP of the Host (not container) * Mount: ``` docker run -d \ -e MY_NAME="docker" -e MY_PASSWORD="MySecurePW" \ -e MY_USER_ID="10000" -e MY_GROUP_ID="10000" \ -p 122:20 -p 123:21 -p 10090-10100:10090-10100 \ -v TTTDev:/home/docker/ \ -e pasv_address="" \ jusito/vsftpd-alpine:simple ```