This commit is contained in:
mightypanders 2023-04-15 22:06:35 +02:00
parent 8dd89f151e
commit 3d2022d1dd
21 changed files with 628 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

index.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import { ExtendedClient } from "./server/structures/client"
export const client = new ExtendedClient()
import { AuthenticateUserByNameRequest, CreateUserByNameRequest } from "./jellyfin/api"
import { UserApi } from "./jellyfin/api/userApi"
import { config } from "./server/configuration"
async function start() {
const jfUserAPI: UserApi = new UserApi(config.jellyfin_url)
const options = {
headers: {
"X-MediaBrowser-Token": config.jellfin_token
let u = (await jfUserAPI.getUsers(false, false, options)).body
console.log(JSON.stringify( =>, null, 2))
const user: CreateUserByNameRequest = {
name: "Testuser1",
password: "1234"
const a = await jfUserAPI.createUserByName(user, options)
console.log(JSON.stringify(a, null, 2))
u = (await jfUserAPI.getUsers(undefined, undefined, options)).body
console.log(JSON.stringify( =>, null, 2))

server/commands/echo.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType } from 'discord.js'
import { Command } from '../structures/command'
import { RunOptions } from '../types/commandTypes'
export default new Command({
name: 'echo',
description: 'Echoes a text',
options: [
name: 'echo',
description: 'The text to echo',
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
required: true
run: async (interaction: RunOptions) => {
console.log('echo called')

server/commands/pong.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { Command } from '../structures/command'
export default new Command({
name: 'ping',
description: 'Does a pong, duh',
run: async ({ interaction }) => {
console.log(`Ping interaction received.`)

server/configuration.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import dotenv from "dotenv"
export const config = {
server: {
bodyParser: {
urlEncodedOptions: {
inflate: true,
limit: '5mb',
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
extended: true,
parameterLimit: 1000
jsonOptions: {
inflate: true,
limit: '5mb',
type: 'application/json',
strict: true
debug: true,
port: 1234,
silent: false,
token: process.env.BOT_TOKEN ?? "",
guild_id: process.env.GUILD_ID ?? "",
client_id: process.env.CLIENT_ID ?? "",
jellfin_token:process.env.JELLYFIN_TOKEN ?? "",
jellyfin_url:process.env.JELLYFIN_URL ?? ""

server/constants.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import { localized_string } from "./interfaces"
export const reactions = {
troll_grin: "U+1F92A",
angry_face: "U+1F621",
ok: "U+1F44C"
export const commands = {
export const msg_strings: localized_string = {
greeting: {
german: "Ich wurde neugestartet. Bitte registriert euch erneut, falls ihr automatisch gemutet werden wollt :)",
english: "I have been restarted. Please register again if you want to be muted automatically :)"
fmt_registered_user: {
german: "Habe den Steamname {steam_name} mit dem Discordnamen {discord_name} verknüpft.",
english: "Registered the steam name {steam_name} for the discord name {discord_name}."
fmt_registered_for_steam: {
german: "Aktuell registriert für User {steam_name}: {discord_name}",
english: "Currently registered for user {steam_name}: {discord_name}"
fmt_registered_for_discord: {
german: "Aktuell registriert für User {discord_name}: {steam_name}",
english: "Currently registered for user {discord_name}: {steam_name}"
user_was_not_registered: {
german: "Du warst gar nicht registriert.",
english: "You weren't even registered.",
user_has_been_removed: {
german: "Du wurdest aus der Liste entfernt.",
english: "You were removed from the list.",
currently_registered: {
german: "Aktuell registriert: \n {playerlist}",
english: "Currently registered: \n {playerlist}"
troll_rejection: {
german: "Nöööö, du nicht...",
english: "Naaaah, not you..."
troll_rejection_second_part: {
german: "Spaß, hab dich registriert: :P",
english: "Just kidding, you are registered: :P"

server/eventHandler.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { Collection, Guild, GuildScheduledEvent, Snowflake } from "discord.js";
export default class eventHandler {
public constructor() {
public getNextEvent(guild: Guild): string {
const eventManager = guild.scheduledEvents
const events = eventManager.cache
const sortedEvents = events.sort(function(a, b) { return Number(a.scheduledStartAt) - Number(b.scheduledStartAt) })
return sortedEvents.first()?.toString() ?? ""
public listAllEvents(guild: Guild): string {
const eventManager = guild.scheduledEvents
const events: Collection<Snowflake, GuildScheduledEvent> = eventManager.cache
const entries = events.values()
let output = ""
for (const e of entries) {
output += "\n"
output += e.toString()
return output

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { GuildMember } from "discord.js"
export const name = 'guildMemberUpdate'
export async function execute(oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) {
try {
console.log(`User ${oldMember.displayName} has been updated`)
console.log(`OldRoles: ${JSON.stringify( =>}`)
console.log(`NewRoles: ${JSON.stringify( =>}`)
} catch (error) {

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { Message } from "discord.js"
export const name = 'messageCreate'
export function execute(message: Message) {
console.log(`${JSON.stringify(message)} has been created`)

server/events/ready.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export const name = 'ready'
export function execute(client: any) {
//console.log(`Processing ready: ${JSON.stringify(client)} has been created.`)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { User as DiscordUser } from "discord.js";
import { AuthenticateUserByNameRequest, JellyfinAPI } from "../../jellyfin/api";
import { UserApi } from "../../jellyfin/api/userApi";
import { config } from "../configuration";
export async function add(discordUser: DiscordUser): Promise<any> {
const jfUserAPI: UserApi = new UserApi(config.jellyfin_url)

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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import { format } from "date-fns"
import { Guild, GuildScheduledEvent, GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions } from "discord.js"
import { sendFailureDM } from "../../helper/sendFailureDM"
import { CustomError, errorCodes, Maybe } from "../../interfaces"
import { RepetitonInfo, Schedule, supportedSchedule } from "../../types/scheduledEventTypes"
export const repetitionMarkerIsFound = (desc: string): boolean => desc.includes('$rep')
export function createEventInGuild(guild: Guild, eventInfo: GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions): Promise<GuildScheduledEvent> {
return guild.scheduledEvents.create(eventInfo)
export function getRepetitonInfo(description: string): RepetitonInfo {
const lines = description.split(`\n`)
const repetitionString = lines.find(x => x.startsWith('$rep:'))
if (!repetitionString)
throw new CustomError('Cant find repetition string', errorCodes.no_string_present)
const scheduleString = determineScheduleString(repetitionString)
const schedule: Schedule = new Schedule(scheduleString)
const { totalAmount, alreadyOccured } = determineRepetitionCount(repetitionString)
const endDate = determineEndDate(repetitionString)
return {
export function determineScheduleString(repetitionLine: string): supportedSchedule {
const segments = repetitionLine.split(':')
const scheduleSegment = segments[1]
if (scheduleSegment)
return scheduleSegment
throw new CustomError('No schedule segment found', errorCodes.no_schedule)
export function determineRepetitionCount(description: string): { totalAmount: number; alreadyOccured: number } {
const segments = description.split(':')
const amountSegment = segments[2]
if (amountSegment) {
const amounts = amountSegment.split('/')
return { totalAmount: Number(amounts[1]) ?? 0, alreadyOccured: Number(amounts[0]) ?? 0 }
} else {
throw new CustomError('No amount was defined', errorCodes.no_repetition_amount)
export function buildNewRepetitionString(repetitionInfo: RepetitonInfo) {
if (repetitionInfo.endDate)
return `$rep:${repetitionInfo.schedule.getSanitizedScheduleString()}:${format(repetitionInfo.endDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd')}`
return `$rep:${repetitionInfo.schedule.getSanitizedScheduleString()}:${repetitionInfo.alreadyOccured + 1}/${repetitionInfo.totalAmount}`
export function addRepetitonStringToEventDescription(oldguildScheduledEvent: string, newRepetitonString: string): string | undefined {
const lines = oldguildScheduledEvent.split(`\n`)
const repLineIndex = lines.findIndex(x => x.startsWith('$rep:'))
const newLines = lines.filter((_, index) => repLineIndex !== index)
return newLines.join('\n')
function determineEndDate(description: string): Maybe<Date> {
const segments = description.split(':')
if (segments.length === 3) {
// rep:sched:countOrDate
const segmentValue = segments[2]
if (segmentValue.includes('/')) {
if (segmentValue.match(/\//g) || [].length !== 2) {
const dateValue = new Date(segmentValue)
return dateValue
else if (segments.length === 4) {
// rep:sched:count:date
const segmentValue = segments[3]
const dateValue = new Date(segmentValue)
return dateValue
export function checkIfRepetitionStringIsValid(description: string): string {
if (!description) return 'not_present'
if (repetitionMarkerIsFound(description)) {
let repetitionInfo
try {
repetitionInfo = getRepetitonInfo(description)
if (!repetitionInfo.schedule) return 'no_schedule'
if (!repetitionInfo.totalAmount && !repetitionInfo.alreadyOccured && !repetitionInfo.endDate) {
if (!repetitionInfo.totalAmount || !repetitionInfo.alreadyOccured) return 'no_amount'
if (!repetitionInfo.endDate) return 'no_end'
return 'valid'
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof CustomError) {
return error.getCode()
return 'invalid'
} return 'not_present'
export async function validateRepetitionStringAndSendMessageOnFail(event: GuildScheduledEvent): Promise<void> {
console.log('This should not be accessed')
const validResponses = [
const resultstring: string = checkIfRepetitionStringIsValid(event.description ?? "")
if (validResponses.includes(resultstring)) {
// do success things?
} else {
const creatorMessage = `The repetition string in your event could not be parsed. Reason: ${resultstring}`
sendFailureDM(creatorMessage, event.creatorId ?? undefined)

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { client } from "../.."
import { CustomError, errorCodes } from "../interfaces"
export async function sendFailureDM(creatorMessage: string, creatorId?: string): Promise<void> {
if (!creatorId) throw new CustomError('No creator ID present', errorCodes.no_creator_id)
const creator = await client.users.fetch(creatorId)
console.log(`Creator ${JSON.stringify(creator)}`)
if (creator)
if (!creator.dmChannel)
await creator.createDM()
await creator.dmChannel?.send(creatorMessage)

server/interfaces.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
export type Maybe<T> = T | undefined
export interface Player {
name: string
export type supported_languages = "german" | "english"
export interface localized_string {
[k: string]: {
[k in supported_languages]: string
export class CustomError extends Error {
private code: string
public constructor(message: string, errorCode: string) {
this.code = errorCode
public getCode() { return this.code }
export const errorCodes = {
no_end_date: 'no_end_date',
no_string_present: 'no_string_present',
no_schedule: 'no_schedule',
schedule_not_supported: 'schedule_not_supported',
no_repetition_amount: 'no_repetition_amount',
invalid_repetition_string: 'invalid_repetition_string',
no_creator_id: "no_creator_id",

server/logger.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { createLogger, format, transports } from "winston"
import { config } from "./configuration"
const printFn = format.printf(({ guildId, level, message, errorCode, requestId, timestamp: logTimestamp }: { [k: string]: string }) => {
return `[${guildId}][${level}][${logTimestamp}][${errorCode
? `[${errorCode}]` : `[]`}][${requestId
? `[${requestId}]` : `[]`}]:${message}`
const logFormat = format.combine(
const consoleTransports = [
new transports.Console({
format: logFormat
const logger = createLogger({
level: config.debug ? 'debug' : 'info',
format: logFormat,
silent: config.silent,
transports: consoleTransports
})"text", { requestId: "2", guildId: "asd" })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import { ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, Client, ClientOptions, Collection, GatewayIntentBits, Guild, IntentsBitField, Snowflake } from "discord.js";
import { CommandType } from "../types/commandTypes";
import fs from 'fs'
import { config } from "../configuration";
export class ExtendedClient extends Client {
private eventFilePath = `${__dirname}/../events`
private commandFilePath = `${__dirname}/../commands`
public commands: Collection<string, CommandType> = new Collection()
public constructor() {
const intents: IntentsBitField = new IntentsBitField()
intents.add(IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildMembers, IntentsBitField.Flags.MessageContent, IntentsBitField.Flags.Guilds, IntentsBitField.Flags.DirectMessages)
const options: ClientOptions = { intents }
public start() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') return
const promises: Promise<any>[] = Array()
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
private async importFile(filepath: string): Promise<any> {
console.debug(`Importing ${filepath}`)
const imported = await import(filepath)
console.debug(`Imported ${JSON.stringify(imported)}`)
return imported.default ?? imported
public async registerCommands(cmds: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[], guildIds: Collection<Snowflake, Guild>) {
if (guildIds) {
guildIds.forEach(guild => {
console.log(`Registering commands to ${}|${}`)
} else {
console.log(`Registering global commands`)
public async registerSlashCommands(): Promise<void> {
try {
const slashCommands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[] = []
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync(this.commandFilePath).filter(file => file.endsWith('.ts') || file.endsWith('.js'))
for (const commandFile of commandFiles) {
const filePath = `${this.commandFilePath}/${commandFile}`
const command = await this.importFile(filePath)
if (! return
this.commands.set(, command)
this.on("ready", (client: Client) => {
//console.log(`Ready processing ${JSON.stringify(client)}`)
console.log(`SlashCommands: ${JSON.stringify(slashCommands)}`)
const guilds = client.guilds.cache
this.registerCommands(slashCommands, guilds)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error refreshing slash commands: ${error}`)
public async cacheUsers(guilds: Collection<Snowflake, Guild>) {
guilds.forEach((guild:Guild, id:Snowflake) => {
console.log(`Fetching members for ${}|${id}`)
console.log(`Fetched: ${guild.memberCount} members`)
public async registerEventCallback() {
try {
const eventFiles = fs.readdirSync(this.eventFilePath).filter(file => file.endsWith('.ts') || file.endsWith('.js'));
for (const file of eventFiles) {
const filePath = `${this.eventFilePath}/${file}`
const event = await this.importFile(filePath)
if (event.once) {
console.log(`Registering once ${file}`)
this.once(, (...args: any[]) => event.execute(...args))
else {
console.log(`Registering on ${file}`)
this.on(, (...args: any[]) => event.execute(...args))
} catch (error) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { CommandType } from "../types/commandTypes";
export class Command {
constructor(commandOptions: CommandType) {
Object.assign(this, commandOptions)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { ClientEvents } from "discord.js";
export class Event<Key extends keyof ClientEvents>{
public event: Key,
public run: (...args: ClientEvents[Key]) => unknown
) { }

server/types/clients.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { ApplicationCommandDataResolvable } from "discord.js"
export interface RegisterCommandOptions {
guildId?: string
commands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { PermissionResolvable, ChatInputApplicationCommandData, CommandInteraction, CommandInteractionOptionResolver, GuildMember } from "discord.js";
import { ExtendedClient } from "../structures/client";
export interface ExtendedInteraction extends CommandInteraction {
member: GuildMember
export interface RunOptions {
client: ExtendedClient
interaction: ExtendedInteraction
args: CommandInteractionOptionResolver
type RunFunction = (options: RunOptions) => unknown
export type CommandType = {
userPermissions?: PermissionResolvable[]
run: RunFunction
} & ChatInputApplicationCommandData

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import { add } from "date-fns"
import { CustomError, errorCodes } from "../interfaces"
export interface RepetitonInfo {
startDate?: Date, // If defined will take precedence over repetitonAmount
endDate?: Date,// If defined will take precedence over repetitonAmount
totalAmount: number,
alreadyOccured: number,
schedule: Schedule
export const scheduleNames = ['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'everyNWeeks', 'everyNDays', 'everyNMonths']
export type supportedSchedule = typeof scheduleNames[number]
export interface IScheduleType {
name: supportedSchedule,
multiplier: number,
duration: Duration
export const scheduleTypes: IScheduleType[] = [
name: 'daily',
multiplier: 1,
duration: {
days: 1
name: 'weekly',
multiplier: 1,
duration: {
weeks: 1
export class Schedule {
private scheduleName: string
private multiplier = 1
private duration: Duration
private baseScheduleTypes = ['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly']
private _scheduleString: string
constructor(scheduleString: string) {
this._scheduleString = scheduleString.toLowerCase()
this.scheduleName = this._scheduleString
if (this.baseScheduleTypes.includes(this._scheduleString)) {
this.multiplier = 1
if (this._scheduleString.includes('every')) {
this.scheduleName = this.getBaseScheduleNameFromVariableString()
this.multiplier = this.getMultiplierFromVariableString()
switch (this.scheduleName) {
case 'daily':
this.duration = { days: 1 }
case 'weekly':
this.duration = { weeks: 1 }
case 'monthly':
this.duration = { months: 1 }
case 'yearly':
this.duration = { years: 1 }
throw new CustomError('Schedule type not supported', errorCodes.schedule_not_supported)
public getSanitizedScheduleString(): string {
return this._scheduleString
private getBaseScheduleNameFromVariableString(): string {
if (this._scheduleString.includes('week')) return 'weekly'
if (this._scheduleString.includes('day')) return 'daily'
if (this._scheduleString.includes('month')) return 'monthly'
if (this._scheduleString.includes('year')) return 'yearly'
return ''
public getMultiplierFromVariableString(): number {
const matches = this._scheduleString.match(/\d+/)
if (matches) {
const multi = matches[0]
if (multi)
return parseInt(multi)
return 1
public calculateDuration(): Duration {
const dur: Duration = {
days: this.duration.days ? this.duration.days * this.multiplier : undefined,
weeks: this.duration.weeks ? this.duration.weeks * this.multiplier : undefined,
months: this.duration.months ? this.duration.months * this.multiplier : undefined,
years: this.duration.years ? this.duration.years * this.multiplier : undefined,
return dur
public getNewDate(oldDate: Date): Date {
const newDate = add(oldDate, this.calculateDuration())
return newDate