When creating the poll the bot will now only request movie names instead of movies
This improves the errorhandling because the movie names cannot be null
Also the movieName function filters empty movienames and will guarantee the requested number of names
All announcements but initial will be deleted upon event end.
Vote announcement will be deleted upon vote end
Vote and vote end announcement now contain date and time
- make eventdescription !wp case insensitive
- Create accounts for users in channel without subscription when event starts
- Make sent messages caused by VoiceState event dependant on creation result (created, enabled)
- Create tmp user if normal user exists but is disabled
Setting ephemeral has to happen in an initial reply (reply() or
deferReply()) to set the mode for all replies in this 'thread'. Once the
ephemeral state of a message has been set it can not be changed. If you
want to send a visible message after an ephemeral message it has to be
new message. See https://discordjs.guide/slash-commands/response-methods.html#ephemeral-responses